AAEP Virtual Wednesday Round Table 2021: The Veterinarian's Role in Equine Neglect Cases
Recorded On: 06/23/2021
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June 23, 2021.
AAEP members are encouraged to proactively establish a relationship with local law enforcement to prevent equine neglect in the community and form a strong team when faced with a case.
Join Drs. Erin Gatz, Lauren Kleine and Clara Mason for resources and tips that will help you address and prevent equine neglect including a mentor program for veterinarians facing these challenging and emotional cases.
No RACE CE credit.

This session is sponsored by CareCredit.

Erin Gatz
Dr. Gatz is a 2013 graduate of the University of Minnesota and currently resides in Houston, Texas. Areas of equine practice which she has particular interest are equine welfare, community medicine relating to the equid, and community outreach and education. During her time as staff veterinarian at the Houston SPCA, she helped develop a feeding protocol for the emaciated equine based on current research, along with standard operating procedures for various medical issues of the equid within a shelter setting. She has experience in large scale cruelty cases, along with acting as a court witness. Dr. Gatz is a member of the AAEP, sits on the Equine Abuse and Neglect subcommittee, and is the equine director for a 501c3 non-profit in Houston that provides access to veterinary care to people and animals in need.

Lauren Kleine
Dr. Kleine is a solo equine practitioner in Saugerties, N.Y., and the Peer Review/Ethics Chair for the New York State Veterinary Medical Society. In 2020, she initiated the formation of the NYSVMS Equine Welfare Task Force to bring equine welfare into the forefront of veterinary practice in the state. Dr. Kleine is an active member of the AAEP Welfare and Public Policy Advisory Council and participates in the AAEP mentoring service to veterinarians who need guidance when involved in abuse or neglect cases. She received her veterinary degree from Mississippi State University.

Clara Mason
Dr. Mason is a solo ambulatory practitioner in Winfield, W. Va., and serves as the AAEP’s representative to the AVMA’s Animal Welfare Committee. She has presented on the topic of prosecuting cases of equine abuse at the AAEP Annual Convention and, while a member of the AAEP’s Welfare and Public Policy Advisory Council, was part of a team that in 2018 created comprehensive online resources to help members work with clients and law enforcement to prevent equine abuse and neglect. She is a veterinary graduate of Mississippi State University.